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Taiwan Bernd 2025-01-28 20:05:24 ⋅ 1w No. 333513
Texas Bernd 2025-01-28 22:57:45 ⋅ 1w No. 333517
Come on man, don’t make us download something, repost it again

Texas Bernd 2024-12-27 05:08:47 ⋅ 1mn No. 330049
Today in a very long time I drank more water then I did cokes >i’m really trying to improve myself so maybe I can get some tips?
Texas Bernd 2024-12-27 09:13:09 ⋅ 1mn No. 330062
>>330058 >well, drop the coke all together Well you’ll be happy to hear that it was a 2:0 ratio >the story Ohh fuck!, I’m so sorry for you I’m so glad you feel better now I will try to get rid of my coke consumption > Its like second to AIDS Haha, ok I’ve been stubbing AIDS so I see it as a fair comparison >worst shit Old chap, just wait till Alzheimer's disease
Finland Bernd 2024-12-27 11:53:57 ⋅ 1mn No. 330065
>>330058 afaik kidney stones are easily cleared with ultrasound treatment But the other two conditions are horrid yes
Texas Bernd 2024-12-28 06:22:27 ⋅ 1mn No. 330142
Thank you so much for supporting me to to have a better life style and healthy eating style. [make me have more cum]. But the fucking plagues of Egypt are coming for my ass. Even shit that is unrelated is fucking with me. Today was one of those days with really high high beats and really low low beats. I can make an actual list of the things that happen today. (Let me know if you want a ranking) Conclusion I’d rather have kidney stones then drink estrogen Micro plastics filled water bottles that make me nut less. As for the health concerns, I will balance my water and coke intake and besides my 100 year old great grandpa rids his bike while drinking alcohol and shit if there nothing left then he drinks isopropyl alcohol and that shits not even edible and mother fucker still kicking around (I think we can all agree alcohol is worse than coke)( he live in san diego de la union so you know blessed by god himself). Anyway it’s part of my culture to drink Cock (coke) Vicente Fox ended the PRI dictatorship so sorry but it’s over >thank you so much for supporting me even though I’m a bum <good guys lose and bad guys win
Texas Bernd 2024-12-28 06:34:48 ⋅ 1mn No. 330143
>>330142 Fug black rock but Cock sucker form beginning to the end

United States Bernd 2022-04-22 01:31:30 ⋅ 2y No. 146773
Any recs for an average fully developed american male at 5'7" 125lbs?
Texas Bernd 2024-11-26 21:34:58 ⋅ 2mn No. 327535
>>146773 >>146810 I know it dose not matter anymore and there probably not going to see this but stop glazing. You 4.1 foot bro your using a Motorola Moto G7 Optimo Maxx. >6.2x8 and 49.6/12
Germany Bernd 2024-11-27 02:55:54 ⋅ 2mn No. 327550
>>327535 Nigga, he extends his hand towards the mirror .
Texas Bernd 2024-11-27 03:03:09 ⋅ 2mn No. 327551
>>327550 German Ruining fun I bet it’s the same German who said I fuck cats. <man FUCK YOU >Don’t say, naughty words it’s not good for you >actually, I love this post. Keep up the good work.
Texas Bernd 2024-11-27 21:04:54 ⋅ 2mn No. 327611
>>327550 I came up with a better argument

India Bernd 2024-09-02 15:16:15 ⋅ 5mn No. 318271
Iran Bernd 2024-09-02 22:27:13 ⋅ 5mn No. 318324
Dear Sir, I have redeemed the coupon Please do the needful

Jonah Hill Transformation

Tunisia Bernd 2024-08-30 01:31:23 ⋅ 5mn
No. 317875
Can You Guess the Unlikely Habit That Helped Jonah Hill Transform His Body? What Was Jonah Hill’s Secret Weapon for Dramatic Weight Loss.

United States Bernd 2023-01-15 09:29:46 ⋅ 2y No. 249169
A little humor
Germany Bernd 2023-03-12 17:51:42 ⋅ 1y No. 260358
>>249169 Where are the muscles?
Moscow Bernd 2024-06-03 19:28:05 ⋅ 8mn No. 311907
>>260358 Dat's the irony
Belgium Bernd 2024-09-18 18:05:19 ⋅ 4mn No. 320202

How much Is "too much"?

Buenos Aires Bernd 2024-05-22 14:56:14 ⋅ 8mn
No. 310911
I started the Gym this year on January, 3 days per week, I started a new routine that Is mesocycle so it works by weeks instead of days. By now i only lift 60kg on bench press, i'm 1.70 and my weight Is 74kg. Fitbros, it is 60kg/132lbs a good weight to lift by now? People say that when you have a full year of Gym you should be lifting some 70kg/80kg, I know I have some months to keep growing muscle but I dont know if im doing a good timing or if I need to change my routine, how much Is too much? How much do you lift and how much do you wait to reach that weight?
Germany Bernd 2024-05-22 14:59:38 ⋅ 8mn No. 310913
As long as you do it consistently you're doing it well. Especially when dead lifting or bench pressing without a partner, better don't go for too much weight.
Buenos Aires Bernd 2024-05-22 15:03:04 ⋅ 8mn No. 310916
>>310913 Usually when i do have a partner, I felt like i can't lift those 132lbs, but when im alone I absolutely can, it is psychological or im just retarded pussy?
Germany Bernd 2024-05-22 15:41:41 ⋅ 8mn No. 310918
The easiest way to progress is to consistently eat more. Don't stress about how fast you can improve things. As long as you progress everything is fine. You are still in the Noob gain phase. You don't have to stress about routine yet. At some point you will start to stall on all your lifts and it does not matter if you reach that point within a year or within two years. My general advice to everyone would be to just do starting strenght and maybe 5x5 afterwards and once you stop progressing and have all your noob gains just stay in that phase and concentrate on other things. Then you are in a body composition that your body wants to be in and everything above quickly goes into a phase of diminishing returns. Afterward people start to juice or to seriously hurt themselves. It is not worth it.

Germany Bernd 2022-01-27 20:20:16 ⋅ 3y No. 133554
I'm trying to get into supplements. One thing that annoys me to no end is that most available products mix all kinds of stuff together. I have a pretty good idea what I want to take and what not. I have a cheap multivitamin with some essential minerals that covers the baseline of what everyone should take just to be safe. Then I want to add some collagen for joint health and muscle growth, but all products that are easily available to me are beauty products for women or joint supplements for old people that not only contain collagen but also a bunch of other shit that's either scientifically proven to be useless, not for me or another dose of vitamins, even though I already get them from my multivitamin. I don't want to waste money or take triple the recommended dose. Similar with protein powder. I saw some cheap vanilla flavoured protein powder at the grocery store and decided to try it out without looking at it more closely. That was a mistake. Since it is pea protein it is marketed for vegans and has a bunch of shit added that vegans usually don't get from food. I'm not a vegan. But even if I were this would be annoying since I wouldn't want to take my other micronutrients with the protein powder.
Moscow Bernd 2022-04-22 09:26:39 ⋅ 2y No. 146804
>>133554 Buy a "for week" pillboxes with 7 compartments. Put your individual mix there. Simpul.
United States Bernd 2022-07-15 13:43:46 ⋅ 2y No. 198450
Fitness & Health Here
Germany Bernd 2022-08-01 21:51:41 ⋅ 2y No. 205683
You will find dozens of vendors on amerzon that sell you 100% collagen powder. I bet the same market where you bought the pea brotein also sold whey for cheaper. Whey is the most widespread.
Finland Bernd 2023-11-10 16:37:53 ⋅ 1y No. 293299
>>133608 Where do you get your NMN? I'm curious about this supplement but it seems to be hard to get in EU. Is it even legal or does the customs steal it?

Germany Bernd 2022-03-18 17:19:43 ⋅ 2y No. 141637
Eating enough protein is difficult. When I don't try at all, I eat like 90% carbs.
Finland Bernd 2022-04-05 10:53:11 ⋅ 2y No. 144998
>>141637 I know that feeling, slip even a little bit and it's probably 90% carbs. One easy meal I like doing is an ovenomelett. It's easy and quick to do and a great source for vitamins, healthy fats and protein, depending of course of what you mix in.
Netherlands Bernd 2022-06-09 05:59:30 ⋅ 2y No. 165572
>>142048 >>144992 Protein supplements are often laced with roids and because of that, lead to hair loss. Look it up. Sounds absolutely shizo/10, but it is true and makes you wonder what else they put in our food. >>141637 Typical carb sources also have protein usually. Unless you're eating pure rice all day or something. The solution is always the same though: More meat or more dairy. Eating veggies for protein is retarded, you need too much bulky food to hit your macros. Meat is a problem though, the prices in Germany are hilarious rn. So, if you can stomach it, go dairy.
Bernd 2022-06-09 06:45:24 ⋅ 2y No. 165598
>>165572 >Protein supplements are often laced with roids and because of that, lead to hair loss. This. Ever wonder why the hairloss epidemic always hits the gymcels? Now you know.
United Kingdom Bernd 2023-10-03 20:38:45 ⋅ 1y No. 290284
1 can of refried beans plus 1 can of tuna is 50g of cheap protein ready in 10 minutes

Germany Bernd 2023-03-16 14:48:14 ⋅ 1y No. 260954
I want to lose weight. (19% bodyfat currently -> 11-15% bodyfat goal) Any tips?
Slovenia Bernd 2023-04-14 15:08:01 ⋅ 1y No. 265960
>>265949 do you have a hill nearby? ride your bike up
Germany Bernd 2023-04-14 16:02:40 ⋅ 1y No. 265975
>>265960 I don't. And I'm not looking to do a full cardio workout that leaves me sweaty. That's for the evening. Just something to get going before I start my day.
Germany Bernd 2023-05-25 18:46:53 ⋅ 1y No. 272225
Are there other benchmarks for attractiveness?
Peru Bernd 2023-05-25 19:06:41 ⋅ 1y No. 272231
>>272225 Height, brain, face, muscles, wallet, penis, heart and charisma