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Texas Bernd 2024-12-25 04:37:04 ⋅ 1mn No. 329956
Put down the cup
Turkey Bernd 2024-12-25 15:38:07 ⋅ 1mn No. 329980
whats this tank contains?
Texas Bernd 2024-12-25 16:05:43 ⋅ 1mn No. 329984
>>329980 It says it in the song

Brazil Bernd 2024-12-12 16:45:44 ⋅ 1mn No. 329189
Listen with you have ears and guts. free download:

Nati Dreddd

United States Bernd 2022-09-26 03:13:28 ⋅ 2y
No. 227463
Anyone familiar with this lass? Nati Dreddd is an up and coming singer/songwriter from Scotland who sings contemporary Folk tunes that aren't too far removed from the tradition. She recently made a stop in New Hampshire and is on tour promoting her new tunes:
United States Bernd 2023-09-10 16:00:24 ⋅ 1y No. 287273
>>287242 Thoughts? I think it's much better than either "Older" or "Stay" but still somewhat underwhelming. I like that it doesn't try too hard to be impactful and is instead more understated which suits her well, but it still lacks the depth to make it memorable.
United States Bernd 2023-10-23 18:33:42 ⋅ 1y No. 291890
New single from the artist formerly known as Nati Dreddd just dropped:
United States Bernd 2024-07-19 21:21:29 ⋅ 6mn No. 314950
>>227463 She's got a new song out:
United States Bernd 2024-11-24 05:56:06 ⋅ 2mn No. 327335
>>227463 Midnight:

unknown Bernd 2024-11-02 00:14:39 ⋅ 3mn No. 325492
How the fuck is AI beating KSI
Germany Bernd 2024-11-02 00:20:43 ⋅ 3mn No. 325494
This job was not hard. You take lyrics and generate a song with them in a genre that is by default ten times more soulful than whatever the fuck the original is.

Texas Bernd 2024-10-28 17:28:54 ⋅ 3mn No. 325036
What’s a song that perfectly describes you.
Germany Bernd 2024-10-28 20:20:25 ⋅ 3mn No. 325082

Italy Bernd 2022-03-17 21:14:28 ⋅ 2y No. 141512
Watchu listening to? I'm listening to Chernikovskaya Hata.
Netherlands Bernd 2024-01-22 03:50:22 ⋅ 1y No. 299014
Russia Bernd 2024-04-25 11:36:20 ⋅ 9mn No. 308070
Russia Bernd 2024-05-19 01:00:25 ⋅ 8mn No. 310756
Germany Bernd 2024-09-29 12:48:33 ⋅ 4mn No. 321379

Australia Bernd 2024-01-12 11:03:35 ⋅ 1y No. 298310
Music similar to Death Grips?
Poland Bernd 2024-01-12 13:50:43 ⋅ 1y No. 298316
Any bullshit with shouting niggers. Death Grips suck
Ecuador Bernd 2024-09-14 14:05:22 ⋅ 4mn No. 319688

JudasPriest, KK

United States Bernd 2024-08-01 22:09:01 ⋅ 6mn
No. 315929
JudasPriest is really the band called Freight. Wearing the skin of the original JudasPriest. Coveted and desired, by the then Kenneth Downing Jr. Lifted and stolen, the name, when in a dark place. A freight train wearing a lifted corpse, one that was not quite dead when struck. In a final gregarious act, after remedying the original deception, by engineering the ejection of he who caused the interception. Understanding the ride Kenneth Downing brought them on. The continuing members of Freight, roll back the typography from the current to the past then to what was on the original band van, then as a physical object, to The original members of JudasPriest, and/or their decendants and/or close family members, at the end of the final tour; and give them back their name. The original members of JudasPriest, Afro and all, then play their set. Their blues. The continuing members of Freight, then pray that they can live again, their life, never having met "KK". Ian, avoiding the 50 years of standing in one spot, brought on a journey. Glenn, marrying a nice girl, never having been hooked by a lady of the night. Rob, with children, never having glimpsed the androgen, never being asked.
United States Bernd 2024-08-03 01:52:42 ⋅ 6mn No. 315983
United States Bernd 2024-08-03 02:00:19 ⋅ 6mn No. 315984
"beware the beast in black, you know he's coming back"
United States Bernd 2024-08-03 02:13:21 ⋅ 6mn No. 315986 Protection against the psycic attack neverending? Never knowing by it's progenitor, And thus never stopping.
United States Bernd 2024-08-03 07:35:16 ⋅ 6mn No. 315995
Interesting opinion on the bucharest show. This person says that Rob Halford and Glenn Tipton are "Repugnant paedophiles, stuck with eachother". Glenn is straight. So does that mean he liked loli little girl children in the 80s? Like Rolo the Viking got in 910? Or like in the old testament? What about KK?

himno nacional Peruano

Mexico Bernd 2024-06-09 00:14:00 ⋅ 8mn
No. 312321

I wish Al-Andalus never fell

Uruguay Bernd 2024-04-30 16:11:32 ⋅ 9mn
No. 308750 The christian barbarians destroyed what was probably the greatest civilization of the middle ages almost equal in greatness to ancient Greece. It was also a lie that it was full of niggers and arabs. Most of the visigoths (like 5 million out of 7 million at the peninsula) converted to islam, they were called muladis it was after all the visigoths themselves who let the moors in, it was during a civil war against the king Rodrigo. The visigoths were also were accepting of Islam at first because they said it was very similar to Arrianism which was their religion (a bishop of Toledo mentions this when he says people at the peninsula were noticing the expansion of a new religion similar to Arrianism in North Africa and it was being welcomed by the population because of this). The arabs were a very small minority which was quickly dethroned and even so many of those "arabs" were actually people of vandal origin which were expelled from the peninsula by the visigoths to North Africa and the Levant, later they returned. That's why it was called Al-Andalus, arabic adaptation of the tamazight term Wandalus which means "Land of the Vandals". A lot of those "arabs" were also of Syrian-Persian descent (ancient Persians are literally Aryans, there is a reason Persia is called Iran too which means "Land of the Aryans"). We also must not forget that the moors who invaded the peninsula under Tariq Ibn Zayid were Berbers which are white, even today we can find at the Rif, Kabylia or the Canary Islands lots of people of Berber descent with blonde hair and blue eyes with very pale skin. There were also slavic people who were imported as slaves into the peninsula (Saqaliba) and later they got their freedom by converting to Islam and became local rulers (they ruled the taifas of Valencia). And there were many caliphs of Basque descent since the Basques were natural allies of the invading Moors because both were enemies of the Visigoth kingdom of Toledo and the Basques gave their women to the caliphs as tribute. Abd al-Rahman III was red haired and blue-eyed of almost pure Basque descent (his father was of Basque descent and his grandfather too), so were his descendants who also married Basque women just like he did to the point that Hisham II was 99% Basque. The first emir of Cordoba which was Abd al-Rahman I was blonde haired and blue eyed and he was of Berber descent (from the tribe of Nafza). Even when the last remnants of Al-Andalus perished it was still ruled by people of white descent, the first sultan of the Nazari Sultanate of Granada was Muhammad Ibn Nasr also called "Ibn Al-Ahmar" which means "The Red One" because of his hair and the last sultan of Granada which was Boabdil was also described as blonde, tall, pale and with very light eyes. We only need to look at the few portraits of the Andalus era that do exist to see that the Muslims were mostly tall, pale with blonde or red hair and blue eyes. Even the christians of the north looked swarthy in comparison to the so-called "Africans and Arabs". The moorish people that were expelled from Spain and landed in Tunisia were described by the Ottomans as pale with blonde hair and blue eyes which surprised them. Even today we find whiter people in the zones of Andalusia which were the last ones to perish to the christian invasion like Granada or Murcia than in Asturias the so-called "last bastion of European Christendom" (I've seen Asturians, they are swarthy brownoids larping as Celtic). The reason of the swarthy brown people in the peninsula nowadays is because of the black people which were enslaved by the Almoravid and Almohad empires on their expansion in West Africa, these slaves are known as "haratins", "ikelan" or "gnawa" by the Berbers and by the christian they were known as the "black Moors" and of course some reached the peninsula during these empires. There is also the admixture with Sephardic Jews and of course a couple Arabs (they were a very small minority which became marginated as the time passed but there were some orientaloid phenotypes here and there) which is responsible of the semitic appearance of many modern Spaniards. And of course we can't forget about Gypsies which landed on Spain shortly after the Reconquista. The lie that Andalus was a subhuman civilization of swarthy arabs of the desert and black africans is just propaganda from butthurt christcucks who want to justify the ruthless destruction of one of the greatest civilizations of the ancient world and also from niggers and brownies who want to appropiate everything glorious of the ancient past. It is funny to see so much "neo-nazi" glorifying the Reconquista when Hitler himself recognized Spain was at its true peak of civilization under Andalus. Cordoba was the capital of the sciences, philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, astrology, history, poetry, music, esoterism, magic, wisdom, etc. We are in many debt to the Moors of Al-Andalus, for if it weren't for them that saved the knowledge and the classics of the ancient masters of Greece while the crazy christians with their inquisition burned down it all, we would still live in the dark age! We literally have paper and writing nowadays thanks to them. The barbarian christians, by destroying the ancient civilization of Andalus, destroyed civilization not only once (by destroying the ancient Hellenic world) but also twice! It makes me feel so angry!
Uruguay Bernd 2024-04-30 22:58:45 ⋅ 9mn No. 308790
>>308788 And I would like to add that it was the kingdoms of Castile and Leon that refugeed all the jews that were expelled from Andalus under the Almohad Caliphate. It is true that there were lots of jews in Al-Andalus at the start but after the Almoravid and Almohad dynasties took over they were mostly expelled or murdered. That's why nowadays we find more Sephardic DNA and surnames in the territories that did belong to the Crown of Castile and the Kingdom of Leon than in Andalusia. In fact most people at Galicia, Asturias, Leon and Extremadura (all the territories that did belong to the Kingdom of Leon) have some degree of converso blood.
Uruguay Bernd 2024-04-30 23:40:01 ⋅ 9mn No. 308794
1492-1512 were horrible times for humanity. The discovery and conquest of the Americas, completion of the conquest of the Canary Islands, fall of the Sultanate of Granada (destruction of Al-Andalus and completion of the reconquista), conquest of the Kingdom of Navarre (subjugation of the proud Basque people), Spanish inquisition and its ruthless persecutions..... And they teach all of this in Spanish schools as the peak of Spanish history and civilization........ More like the peak of Spanish psychopathy. Fucking bloody barbarians. Spain Is a fake country made through bloodbaths and the destruction of more advanced civilizations. I hope they disappear one day. All my support to Catalunya so that shithole starts breaking one by one like Yugoslavia.
Uruguay Bernd 2024-04-30 23:57:37 ⋅ 9mn No. 308796
>>308784 Although you are right the culture persisted somehow. The spirit of chivalry of the medieval Spaniard knight was of course an inheritance of Al-Andalus.
Uruguay Bernd 2024-05-01 00:21:43 ⋅ 9mn No. 308798
>>308796 However most of the culture died out in most of the peninsula except for Andalusia, which was a zone long marginated and treated like a colony by Castile and Leon. It is really sad.