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Texas Bernd 2024-12-27 05:08:47 ⋅ 2mn No. 330049
Today in a very long time I drank more water then I did cokes >i’m really trying to improve myself so maybe I can get some tips?
Russia Bernd 2024-12-27 07:10:37 ⋅ 2mn No. 330058
well, drop the coke all together. Let me tell you a cautionary tale. I was drinking a lot of carbonated flavory dark drinks, and then i got kidney and pancreas problems. Kidney stones are like torture devices inside you. Imagine trying to sleep in your bed, and inside of you are two burning charcoals that flare up and force you to groan out of pain, you changing the sides, trying to sleep on the left side, right side, flip to the back, flip on your stomach. Sometimes pain goes away but then it flares up again, so you can spend all night without sleep just moaning from pain. pancreas problems? its almost as bad. Damage to pancreas is irreversible. So if you kill some pancreas cells, they won't grow bacl. And you will never be able to enjoy fatty foods again, no cheese, no pizza, no meals with oil at all - just grain and rice. And the pain is also random during the day, like you can sit and then its like someone stabbed you under the right rib - PAIN! forcing you to bend over and hyperventilate, untill it goes away. Do you want to spend your life like that? It may take a year and a loooooot of money to cure this shit and then again you will be forced to constantly monitor your diet and in the worst case scenario - you can get diabetes from all the coke. Its like second to AIDS worst shit.
Texas Bernd 2024-12-27 09:13:09 ⋅ 2mn No. 330062
>>330058 >well, drop the coke all together Well you’ll be happy to hear that it was a 2:0 ratio >the story Ohh fuck!, I’m so sorry for you I’m so glad you feel better now I will try to get rid of my coke consumption > Its like second to AIDS Haha, ok I’ve been stubbing AIDS so I see it as a fair comparison >worst shit Old chap, just wait till Alzheimer's disease
Finland Bernd 2024-12-27 11:53:57 ⋅ 2mn No. 330065
>>330058 afaik kidney stones are easily cleared with ultrasound treatment But the other two conditions are horrid yes
Texas Bernd 2024-12-28 06:22:27 ⋅ 2mn No. 330142
Thank you so much for supporting me to to have a better life style and healthy eating style. [make me have more cum]. But the fucking plagues of Egypt are coming for my ass. Even shit that is unrelated is fucking with me. Today was one of those days with really high high beats and really low low beats. I can make an actual list of the things that happen today. (Let me know if you want a ranking) Conclusion I’d rather have kidney stones then drink estrogen Micro plastics filled water bottles that make me nut less. As for the health concerns, I will balance my water and coke intake and besides my 100 year old great grandpa rids his bike while drinking alcohol and shit if there nothing left then he drinks isopropyl alcohol and that shits not even edible and mother fucker still kicking around (I think we can all agree alcohol is worse than coke)( he live in san diego de la union so you know blessed by god himself). Anyway it’s part of my culture to drink Cock (coke) Vicente Fox ended the PRI dictatorship so sorry but it’s over >thank you so much for supporting me even though I’m a bum <good guys lose and bad guys win
Texas Bernd 2024-12-28 06:34:48 ⋅ 2mn No. 330143
>>330142 Fug black rock but Cock sucker form beginning to the end