2024-05-11 18:05:05 ⋅ 4mn
No. 309942
Say a movie that sucks. I will start, jaws 2
2024-09-08 22:59:55 ⋅ 4w
No. 318909
Every recent Disney/pixar movie.
They are made for sperm cell infant toddler and no one else.
2024-09-09 00:54:36 ⋅ 4w
No. 318925
"er ist wieder da" - hitler isekai from 2015 i didnt know existed
i kept getting more confused with each decision characters made in this movie, for example nobody arrests hitla because "he's a good actor", or people throw salutes in front of brandenburg gates and no police around, they apply hitler as a "good actor" at some fucking show where you go at places and communicate with people, because the tv channel needed ratings and shit
i didn't watch till the end because i would go insane completely
if bavarian bernd reads this, for the love of god don't add this movie in your movie thread, bitte T__T
2024-09-09 01:02:49 ⋅ 4w
No. 318931
feels unreal
2024-09-09 01:03:27 ⋅ 4w
No. 318932
I remember reading the book when it came out and I also sae the movie when it was new, iirc they packed it full with contemporary jokes of Germany 2015 and even changed the ending a little. I don't remember whether I liked it or not.
2024-09-09 01:05:59 ⋅ 4w
No. 318933
it was based on book actually? damn i thought someone gathered with idea "let's make a hitla movie"
2024-09-09 01:45:04 ⋅ 4w
No. 318934
The book was funny, the movie was a successful attempt to milk some money out of the fans.
2024-09-09 01:53:17 ⋅ 4w
No. 318935
im skeptical about the quality of book honestly, movie killed the interest to check
make an anime isekai with hitler girl for movie's 10th anniversary to milk even more money lol
2024-09-09 02:09:38 ⋅ 4w
No. 318936
since people like eating shit, im more than glad to indulge
2024-09-09 05:23:32 ⋅ 4w
No. 318944
Star Wars: Force Awakens