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Colombia Bernd 2023-12-17 00:31:28 ⋅ 4mn
No. 296438
Why moderation ban >>296242 just is a spaniard programmer, and not ban BBC spam of /HS. Under the logic of ban both should be banned, explain his ban schizomod just ban post that he dont like. Please fix /HS board.
Peru Bernd 2023-12-17 01:29:40 ⋅ 4mn No. 296451
I second the Colombian, the venezambian it’s a troll and a spammer, he needs to be banned and his posts deleted on sight
Uruguay Bernd 2023-12-17 01:47:45 ⋅ 4mn No. 296454
>is a spaniard programmer it was a retard selfpromoting his shit site and teasing local users so I took care of him >ban BBC spam of /HS. i got tired of banning that guy, he always comes back with a VPN or a new IP, i only delete his posts if he posts really disgusting stuff otherwise i just spoiler it and ignore it, at least he is funny
Venezuela Bernd 2023-12-17 14:30:12 ⋅ 4mn No. 296479
>>296438 Bbc posting Will always be a gem, it shouldn't never banned


Peru Bernd 2023-12-17 17:43:02 ⋅ 4mn
No. 296489
>>296454 >i got tired Irrelevant, it’s your duty. >i just spoiler it and ignore it Not fulfilling your duty. >at least he is funny That’s your opinion, something subjective, for example most of us find him annoying. The objective thing is that he is a spammer so you need to ban him and delete his posts.
Argentina Bernd 2023-12-30 18:46:46 ⋅ 4mn No. 297468
And how about banning the VPN/proxies? You know just like on 4chan that you can't post with a VPN. That might discourage him from shitting up the board with his spam because he'd have to reboot the modem every time he gets banned... Just a suggestion for the Admin.
Turkey Bernd 2023-12-30 21:08:21 ⋅ 4mn No. 297488
>>297468 Proxies are banable offence
Peru Bernd 2023-12-30 22:51:47 ⋅ 4mn No. 297497
>>297488 Well, that guy spams, gets banned and then uses proxies to continue spamming.
United States Bernd 2023-12-31 00:30:41 ⋅ 4mn No. 297502
Switzerland Bernd 2024-02-16 01:10:38 ⋅ 2mn No. 301062


United States Bernd 2024-04-25 18:09:50 ⋅ 1w
No. 308089
Jijijijijjijijijijijijijijijiji jijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijiji jijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijiji jijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijiji jijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijiji jijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijiji jijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijiji jijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijiji...