Why is it that all the good guys will vanish eventually? There were some pretty cool and interesting Bernds posting here, but they're all gone now and only the annoying ones are left. Swiss Med student, Polish Bernd, German Bernd, even Slov was interesting in a sense...

Keep holding strong for the future

That's how it goes lil bro on the internet and life in general.

Because I ran them all off.

They had to leave or they'd become like the rest of us on here.


I’m sorry if I’m contributing to that statistic and f you see me as annoying. I don’t want you to leave KC so if there’s anything I can do to help you stay or improve my own actions than please me.

Pedos and schizo gore spammer killed KC.

Every time I go on just to see what there doing i always see lolicon at the top of the bored. They literally have anime porn in there banners I hate KOHLCHAN PEDOCHAN!!! I hate that stupid onion and that evil lettuce man FUG U KOHL Heinrich would never hold you in loving hands, your evil. Fritz is much better, .rip is much better,
this is literally one of their banners I took a screenshot of the second. I’m writing this to you. What that fuck is that. There nazis there pedos .rip is much better and yet we are left in the dark. Fug dis

Mostly stoners online

because germans were shit at everything. chudpol will win just like russia won in Великая Отечественная you lose fuckers gg wp bismarck is pregnant with russian baby

Imageboard kültür is on its death bed
The death of KC was the mortal blow from which it could never recover

Image boards have been on the decline for years.

Just manage better.

Tell that to the admin or something

He does a good job.

Always could do more

Get rid of stuff like cp and maybe some people might come back

Come on man were trying our hardest.


Good work today.

Today I saw approximately 13 post of the same kid covered in cum form there rapist in one day. That’s more the all of December. I am human so I must sleep, take care KC I won’t be there to protect you.
>you will never know how much that thank you meant.


thinking maybe we can just plug in computer vision to auto ban this shit, not sure about false positives tho.

Well do something about it before it gets way out of hand.

actually im reading on topic and there are a lot of research in this area, i think maybe i can even find open source models to classify this shit.

Your in the top 5 Best humans alive

Wait Americanball delete his post i can explain. 👉👈

Yeah, what Texan said tis true,I was simply letting you have the spotlight, you earned it. >chill bro,everything alright Texan ball,not sure what your getting at though earlier Texas ball about not getting a Dickery in a knot but mk 🍻

>chill bro,everything alright Texan ball,not sure what your getting at though earlier Texas ball about not getting a Dickery in a knot but mk 🍻
sorry was Texas sayings coming out, was just shy to say true feeling in front of Türkiyeball

there just isn't a lot of interesting stuff here, it's mostly politics and kctier things, it's boring...
t. only visits once a month

Welcome to the internet these days

At least you come at all, most people just leave KC

I can't speak for other Bernds, but I also find myself coming here less and less and I don't even post anymore. Why?
BO is a piece of shit who supports genocide. He bans everyone who criticizes it and deletes their posts as fast as he can but somehow leaves CP up for hours if not days. Suppose saying anything negative about Russia is worse than CSAM. If you love that shithole so much, asshole, why do you live in Turkey, huh? You are scum and I don't say that lightly.
Why would anyone decent stay here and support that kind of behaviour?
It's a rhetorical question and if someone responds I won't be here to read it (yes, yes, no one cares, I know). Toodles.

back to le reddit

Who the fuck cares about Ukraine?

Ukranian patriots abroad

Welcome to the internet in general

Criticizing the war is illegal in Ryssiä and the servers are loctaed there, that's the reason

>He bans everyone who criticizes it and deletes their posts as fast as he can but somehow leaves CP up for hours if not days.
I assume it's that butthurt german retard under proxy, new id, same lying traits.

I was going to say something to this guy but it would be useless and a waste of breath. The only thing I can do is prove him wrong to others.
>don’t get mad over this

Pedohysteria killed it. Loving children is NORMAL.


Levels of serious discussions must be increased to 110%.

After a few years I went back to Ylilauta, only to discover that I need to pay 10 EYPO per month if I want to post. WTF?

It's terrible I know.
But you should be able to post for free for most of the boards, including International. You might have to wait for 24 hours or so before a new account is allowed to post to prevent spam

Sadly you're wrong ;___;

Damn, banned for some reason