Probably to scratch and stab people, but from a fashion point of view, to look glamorous.

I'm so sorry you had to see this.

It used to be a flex by high class ladies, "look at me, I don't have to work, so my fingernails never break"

I'd say females are like cats. Hard to understand, can be pretty feisty when they are angry. Not happy to have their nails clipped; most importantly, they are very cute and lovable!

because I like to be impeccable

Bydlo behaviour

It is a female defence mechanism against normal men who want to get their male man ass fingered during intercourse, avoid such women as they are worthless

So they can scratch my back.

are you a cat?

If I can rely on that other thread, everyone on this board.
No, I'm not. Do you not like your back scratched?

by someone else? not really
I am this dog

*hisses at you*

Sharp tips to gather dna samples

in order to waste time and money

that's barking, you silly kot

You lack of respect towards me will be your demise, mortal. My claws will rip you apart.

I think I'll manage to distract you from your murderous plans

*charging the canon*

*deploys the decoy*

it's a good thing you don't have thumbs, because you'd be unstoppable