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Romania Bernd 2022-04-20 19:47:35 ⋅ 2y
No. 146713
Reminder that the Romanian people are part of the Daco-Roman race ,but are just slightly mixed with Phechenegs,Slavs,Germans (Gepids,Saxon communities) and Greeks We are basically twice as aryan as the Germans,we are the master-race,and we are literally built to revive the Roman Empire. Proof? Romania is re-romanizing Italy as I'm writing,we shall start our conquests from there,like our ancestors. Please stop spreading lies about the great history of our nation.
United Kingdom Bernd 2022-04-20 21:28:56 ⋅ 2y No. 146719
Fuck of you are 95% gypsy not aryan
Slovenia Bernd 2022-04-20 22:03:43 ⋅ 2y No. 146722
>>146719 Fun fact: Gypsy language is the only Aryan language spoken in Europe.
Hungary Bernd 2022-04-21 07:32:23 ⋅ 2y No. 146732
I approve of this message. Romulus, Remus, and Romanus were triplets.
Russia Bernd 2022-04-21 11:02:40 ⋅ 2y No. 146736
>>146713 >Daco-Roman race ,but are just slightly mixed with Phechenegs,Slavs,Germans (Gepids,Saxon communities) and Greeks Truly La Raza Cosmica.